Frequently Asked Questions (FaQs)

Ever wonder?  Sure you have!!  If your question is not listed below and you cannot find the answer to your question within this site, please contact W. Merical, Inc. to stop the curiosity. 

Describe the photo or the page it links to

What's New

Latest productions by W. Merical, Inc.  Who are they?  What do they do?

Describe the photo or the page it links to

Website Colors

Does the color scheme of your website make a difference?  What colors represent you in your office, shop or organization?

Describe the photo or the page it links to

Your Customers

Your clientele is what matters the most...right?  Our customers is what keeps us in business.  Are you Listening??


Frequently Asked Questions

Type in your Search Term

  1. How long does it take?
  2. What do you do?
  3. How do I do it?
  4. Payments?

How long does it take?

  • This is a questions that you'll find a lot of companies will NOT answer.  Why?  Because it will put them on the spot!  Plain and simple.  Another Why?  Another...Because of a variety of answers: are their designers working, on vacation, out sick or at what level is your project?  Is it in the planning stage or the finishing stage?  Who's working on it today?  Another question...when you call the company - do you talk to a live person, leave a voice mail or send an email and wait for an answer?
  • I ask all these questions because these are determination factors when you have to do comparative shopping.  Merical Marketing Communication - you talk with one person!  Once your project goes live - Your changes are completed within a 24 hour turn around!! (Unless I'm on vacation and my clients know that's rare!!)
  • As far as the planning stage?  The team is you and me!!  We are in it together!!!  I want your product to be live and out there as fast as you do.  I want you to succeed as much as you do.  Why?  Because if you look good, so do I.  It's that's simple.
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What do you do?

  • "They" used to say it was great to have a "One-Stop-Shop" but now -- "They" say it's not good to have someone say "They" can do it all.
  • What is "All?"  All in my book and 'One-Stop-Shop' is Online Marketing: Website design, graphic arts, logo design (online, marketing materials, business documents, etc.), photography (websites, business and personal needs), Ads (photography, layouts, submissions), Marketing Media Presentation and Business Imaging.
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How do I do it?

  • I do it through contract services.  It's that's simple!
  • You and I talk about what it is you need for your business to move forward to acquire more business - through marketing and we create a Marketing Strategy for you and go from there.  How simple can it be.
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  • The recession has hit everyone - hard.  You get what you pay for.  You will not be paying a monthly fee for something you're not receiving.  So many companies out there are asking people to pay anywhere from $5 - $60 a month for nothing.
  • All I ask is you pay a down payment to show you are serious, which is non-refundable and we start working.  As soon as the job is completed, you pay the remaining amount -- it's that simple.
  • Websites: Website changes are billed on the months changes are made unless you requested a website that will allow you to make the changes yourself...again, simple.
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There are always a ton of questions that creep up when you're concerned about what to do, how to do it, when to do it, etc.  Always look at the Who, When, Why, How types of questions.  I have no problem answering your questions in detail if you're one of my clients.  But for general "What if...?" type, I hope this page provides you with what you're looking for.



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Website Design

It's very important to have a website that resembles who you are and what you represent.

Business Image

Your Business Image represent your company, organization, group, etc. when people can't see you.

Website Creations

Are you putting your best foot forward? Does your website reflect who you are?

Your Logo

When people see your logo - do they think of you without the words?

themed object
Solutions to Your Business Needs
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Thinking ahead... Moving ahead... In business... Takes time, planning and patience.

... Moving Forward - With a Steady Hand - Always with Your Customers in Mind ... Is where the Money is!!